KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Legislation has been introduced to make it easier for the State of Michigan to hold private firms responsible when they create environmental disasters, and tonight, Kalamazoo City Commissioners will send letters endorsing the bills.
At issue is the release of 400,000 tons of sediment into the Kalamazoo River by STS Hydropower, in their attempt to fix Morrow Dam.
Companion bills in the House and Senate were introduced by Representative Julie Rogers and Senator Sean McCann last month.
City Commissioner Chris Preadel says the company agreed to make it right, but then only did a token amount of cleanup and walked away.
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Officials say the resulting damage has harmed the ecosystem along the river for miles as it flows through the city toward Lake Michigan.
The letters backing the bills would be sent to the House and Senate Committee Chairs assigned to hold hearings on the proposals.