Summer Memories!
Thinking back over the summer, I enjoying the cottage with my amazing, beautiful, Smother. It was is the anniversary of losing the love of her life, and my daddy.
I had the most wonder time reminiscing about amazing memories our family has shared there through the generations. I heard stories told to me a million times before, but we laugh just as hard as if it’s the first time.
Sitting around the fire pit, listening to the waves crashing gently on the beach, made for perfect night. Spending time with wonderful Smother, Aunt Liz (my favorite!), Uncle Woody (Mom’s younger brother), and Uncle Chuck (the lucky one who snagged Aunt Liz). It was perfect way a few days of summer time.
Being up north with the smell of the pines mixing with the scent of the beach reminded me of the first time I took my puppy Olive up there. She would always bark at the waves as they hit the shore.
Or going to the creek where my grandfather (Pop) taught us how to catch tadpoles and keep them safe until they turned into frogs. Then, back to the Creek we went to release the miracles we just watched come to life.
It was at that cottage I learned how to gut a fish; Daddy taught me how to shoot a gun, and detect poison ivy (“leaves of three, let it be” was drilled in).
Drinking well water, having dirty feet, and smelling like the wood we burned as the sun sets on the beach – these are the moments (no matter what the weather) that make me love Michigan. I’ve lived in many places, but the mitten [Michigan] is my favorite.
I hope you have special memories of the memories now past.