JD Justice & Mandy Marshall
Weekdays, 6am to 9am
About the Show
JD Justice & Mandy Marshall are on the air from weekday mornings from 6am to 9am with fun local topics, contests and your country!
JD Justice
I was born and raised in Minneapolis Minnesota, but I am so glad to have become a proud Michigander. I enjoy my time with family and my friends plus all of the WIN 98 5 listeners. In my spare time you will find me sampling local restaurants and taking road trips to fun towns in Michigan. and watching movies and my favorite sports teams. Thanks for listening to morning show and remember you can get in touch with us anytime through our request lines and the text line at 80373* Have a great one!!

Mandy Marshall
Hello and thanks for listening to the WIN 98 5 morning and checking out my area on the web site. JD calls me the PRIDE of Scotts Michigan! I’ll take it. I love being from Southwest Michigan and enjoy so many different hobbies including playing bass guitar, singing karaoke and going to the Ren fair in Detroit, actually I’m very involved in that every year as I’m sure you heard on the air Oh by the way I am also a proud gamer, does that make me weird?? Thanks for listening to the WIN 98 5 Morning show and remember you can contact the request lines to chat or hit us up on the text line at 80373* Look forward to hearing from you.

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