Every day, brave men and women put their safety and security on the line to protect our country. Whether they’ve seen combat or given aid to people in times of crisis, serving in the military is often a thankless job. We’d like to change that. If there is a veteran in your life that you would like to salute, fill out the form below and share their story.
Thank you, veterans, for all that you do and all that you give to protect our country’s freedoms.
Our Veterans Salute Gallery:

George Miller
Branch of Military: Air Force and Army
City: Kenvir
“My papaw who’s 94 served in the Air Force and army many years ago, I love hearing all of his old stories, he’s a true hero he fought for his country and still does all he can for his community.”
Submitted by Samantha Miller

David Enos
Branch of Military: Army
Assignment: Desert Storm
Rank: Chief Warrant Officer 3
“My Brother, retired 28yrs as a GS-14 Federal Special Agent. Still works for our country. When 911 hit he worked in the Pentagon where it got hit . He took a sick day that very day. So he had to run Fort Mead by himself. There just was no one else to do so 15 hr days or more but he got his men thru it & himself… So to say I am PROUD JUST DOSENT CUT IT … MY Brother is my HERO !!!!”
Submitted by Michelle Damon

Joseph Mitchell
Branch of Military: US Army
Assignment: Ft. Bliss, Texas
Rank: SPC-4 (Specialist)
“Joseph enlisted in the Army immediately after graduating from Mt. Pleasant High School. He completed his basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Upon completing his training in heavy construction equipment repair, he was deployed to the front lines as part of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. After the Gulf War, he was stationed in Fort Bliss, Texas. He graduated from Texas State Technical College in 2013. He eventually returned to Michigan and now makes his home in Kalamazoo with his wife.”
Submitted by Regina Garza Mitchell

Samuel Mitchell
Branch of Military: Army
Assignment: Iraq
City: Leonidas
“After an injury Sam was left with no choice but to step out. Everyday he lives for God, family, friends, and his country. Sam is a 100% disabled vet after serving his country and would put his life on the line day after day if he could.”
Submitted by Kasondra Mitchell

Dennis Bruce
Branch of Military: Army
Assignment: Vietnam
“My Uncle Dennis proudly served his nation and despite his age and health, would do so again today!”
Submitted by Thomas Bruce

David Eddy
Branch of Military: Airforce
Assignment: Baghdad, Iraq
Rank: Chief Master Sergeant
“Spanning over his lifetime, Dave Eddy has dedicated his life to careers in law enforcement and the military. He has spent countless hours committed to the betterment of community, spiritual relations, youth endeavors and supporting the efforts of military personnel. He is currently Commander of the VFW Post 2406 in Charlotte where keeping our military heroes in the spotlight is his passion. He finds time to give back through community initiatives that involve youth and education. He started a blog a few years ago where his wisdom and experiences continue to inspire others…
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…A lot the topics come from his time serving our great country. Dave has been an integral part of the military life since 1986 and continues to strive, even after retirement, to support and help military personnel and their families in whatever capacity they need. Dave has had assignments Texas, Battle Creek, Iraq, and Maryland. He has gone through specialized training across the word, and in my opinion, positioned himself to become a successful leader because of the love he has for our military personnel. He advises and promotes military advocacy to all, has presented to military and civilian audiences and is truly a positive influence on all who know him. Furthermore, Dave finds value in and supports all branches of the military and recognize the selfless acts of others. This is done in a humble manner and one that should be recognized, as Dave is truly a hero to so many. He is well respected and proud to have spent his life in Michigan Air National Guard and United States Air Force. I know many who have served in the military, but Dave is the one single person I know, who devotes his life, on all levels, to never let the sense of pride, patriotism or our freedom fade. He exemplifies what it means to be part of a life that is filled with hard work, dedication, and giving back through military endeavors. He is a mentor and the posterchild of all things military. I recently had a chance to look at his curriculum vitae, and I was astonished to learn of all of his achievements and accolades that nobody but he and his family would ever be privy to. To me, this reveals a truly selfless human being who is one of a kind and a true ‘stand up’ man. The military is blessed to have Dave Eddy on their side. I thank whoever inspired him to be part of this journey.”
Submitted by Monique Colizzi

Garrett Case
Branch of Military: Army
Rank: Pfc
City: Battle Creek
“Garrett went into the army as soon as he graduated. He left 2 mos after graduation at 18. He did his basic training and AIT training at Fort Benning Georgia. Once he graduated he was shipped to For Drum in New York and he had orders to ship to Afghanistan within a month for a 6-9 month tour. We did not get to see him after he graduated. We heard a few things from him while he was overseas and sent him goodie boxes etc. We found out before he was to come home that he had been sick over there. They had already sent medics home etc so there was nothing they could do for him. He did end up coming home a few months early as they were done with their mission. I thank god every day that he did come home. When he arrived in New York his wife immediately took him to the hospital as he couldn’t keep anything down and he was told he should not have walked through the doors. He was in ICU for a week after coming home and was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease which is quite rare. The stress of everything must have brought it on. He did get stabilized and was medically discharged from the Army unfortunately, he did want to make it a career. But again I am so thankful he made it home and they came home early, otherwise we may not have him today. He is now healthy and he and his wife have two healthy children.”
Submitted by Heather Donato

Yancy German
Branch of Military: Army
City: Pleasant Lake
“If u don’t know him ur missing out!! He doesn’t think he is a hero!! He was active for 13 yrs and was shot on 7 different occasions. He says he doesn’t deserve to be acknowledged as a hero because he didn’t bring everyone home with him!! Letting them down… but he needs to know and so does everyone else!!; HE’S A HERO MINE AND OUR KIDS FOREVER!!”
Submitted by Alicia Kaiser

Raymond Elsey
Branch of Military: Army
Assignment: Ft Bragg, NC
Rank: E6
City: Richland
“Dad serviced as 101st Airborne during Vietnam. He seen and endured some horrific stuff. He still fights the war daily. He’s an amazing Dad, Grandpa and Great Grandpa. We would love to honor his sacrifices he lives daily. He has had cancer, heart disease due to the Agent Orange he insured. We are so proud of him daily.”
Submitted by Lori Nichols

Ron Spieth
Branch of Military: Army
Assignment: Vietnam
City: Litchfield
“Ron Is an amazing husband, father, grandfather, uncle, brother, friend. He works hard everyday and would give his shirt off his back to help anyone. He was a cook in the military and makes some amazing food. It is a true blessing to have him in my children life’s. He doesn’t go looking for acknowledgement of being a vet and he is proud to be a veteran.”
Submitted by Amy Veres

Jeremy Yax
Branch of Military: Army
Rank: Staff Sgt
City: Kalamazoo
“He’s an amazing guy… He’s always willing to bend over backwards for anyone and everyone… He’s great with my 6 year old daughter who considers him an uncle and he will drop everything to spend a little time with her.”
Submitted by Lacey Harker

Francis Ratkowski
Branch of Military: Army
Assignment: Vietnam
Rank: PVT E-1
City: Bronson
“Francis was a medic in Vietnam. He was very dedicated to helping everyone that he could during the war. He was drafted at 19 yrs. old. He was sent to Vietnam in 1969. No one should have to see the things he saw at that age. He was honorably discharged at the end of his term in 1971.”
Submitted by Marjory Ratkowski

Derek Bassage
Branch of Military: Air Force
Assignment: Tinker Air Force Base ,Oklahoma City
Rank: E5 Staff Seargent
City: Reading
“Gone on several deployments overseas. Served for 9 years Derek, Kayla and their three sons came home and they are the owners of Reading Pizza Barn in Reading Michigan”
Submitted by Jackie Tonkel

Greg Vickery
Branch of Military: Army
Assignment: Germany
City: Coldwater
“My dad enlisted straight out of high-school in 1980. He eventually went to Germany and saw some action. His 62nd birthday is March 23rd.”
Submitted by Mindy Cafarelli

Brian Kelley
Branch of Military: Army
Rank: SPC
City: Kalamazoo
“Brian joined the Army Reserves while still in High School. Eventually going into active duty. He suffered a traumatic brain injury while training in Alaska. Then in 2011 we were in a head on collision that damaged his body even more. He still goes as strong as he can and tries to help others, especially veterans where he can.”
Submitted by Nicole Peckens

James Hackenberg
Branch of Military: Army
Rank: Sergeant
Assignment WWII-Iceland, England, France, Germany
City: Mattawan, MI
“Brian joined the Army Reserves while still in High School. Eventually going into active duty. He suffered a traumatic brain injury while training in Alaska. Then in 2011 we were in a head on collision that damaged his body even more. He still goes as strong as he can and tries to help others, especially veterans where he can.”
Submitted by Barb Tate
“Served under Gen Patton in the third army across Europe. Received numerous medals and accommodations during his four year service. Resides in Kalamazoo Michigan and will be celebrating his 105th birthday February 19.”
Submitted by Thomas Hackenberg

Greg Kolich
Branch of Military: Army National Guard
Rank: Sergeant E 5
Assignment Kalamazoo, Michigan
City: Kalamazoo
“Greg spent 20 years in the Army National Guard going to Germany twice for training. He loves his country and after he retired from the guard, joined the Volunteer Defense Force of Michigan and was involved there for about five years. Greg is very active in community events and is always willing to lend a hand where he can. He is a devoted husband and father.”
Submitted by Linda Sue Kolich

Alexander Klever
Branch of Military: Army
Rank: Sergeant
Assignment Fort Campbell / Fort Carson
City: Sturgis
“Deployed to Iraq in 2021-2022 Deployed to Estonia in 2023 to deter the Russians Started career in 2018 and finished in 2024 getting medically retired”
Submitted by Alexander Klever

Donald Harkness
Branch of Military: United States Marine Corps
Rank: Lance Corporal
Assignment United States Marine Corps Reserve station Battle Creek
City: Battle Creek
“I serve for 6 years in the United States Marine Corps Reserves part of the bridging unit I was medically discharged under honorable conditions I never got to go overseas and fight that’s my only regret I wish I could be like everybody else in my unit.”
Submitted by Donald Harkness

Robert Lux
Branch of Military: Navy
Rank: Commander
Assignment: Vietnam
City: Hillsdale
“Drafted at 18 died at 83.”
Submitted by Robert Klingler

Lucky Berger
Branch of Military: United States Army
Rank: E5 Military Police
Assignment: Iraq
City: Portage
“Military police but really its more like multi purpose to cover any tasks they have not found a qualification yet. November 2002 to December 2006.”
Submitted by Nikki Warner

Gerald Synder
Branch of Military: Navy/Seabee
Rank: E3
Assignment: Davisville R.I.
City: Anthens
“Gerry was an Engineering Aide (EA) or Surveyor in the Navy Seabees. He served in Vietnam from July 1968 through April 1969. He spent most of his time on Guard duty in a Tower. He received award for service above and beyond the call of duty and several other awards. He has also served as a Union City Rotarian for over 25 years and is a Master Maple Syrup Maker. The syrup sales raise money for needs in our community. He is my hero.”
Submitted by Ron Cooper

Kennth Vaughn
Branch of Military: Navy
Rank: E5
Assignment: Norforlk GA, Gulfport MS, Diego Garcia, Spain
City: Coldwater, MI
“In 1976 is when my papa enlisted. He was in high school and graduated and right after high school he enlisted. He finished his duty in 1982. He went to Chicago for basic training. He was in the Navy for 6 years. He loved being he in the Navy. After the Navy he became a mechanic at Best One tire in Angola, IN and has been there 37 years He is know living in Coldwater Mi. He has 7 grandkids and 3 great grandkids and he loves being a papa.”
Submitted by Gracie Vaughn

Trevor Klein
Branch of Military: Marine Corps
Rank: Sgt.
Assignment: Beaufort
City: Beaufort
“Trevor Klein is an active duty Marine in Beaufort, SC. He works at Weapons & Field training battalion on Parris Island. He became interested in helping fellow Marines and other military in the local area for all housing needs. He believes the stress of day to day military operations seem a little less daunting with a HOME to go to after the days work schedule. He truly loves to help Military and local families through a big life event such as buying or selling a home prior to getting orders out of the area!”
Submitted by Alexis Carius

Garrett Case
Branch of Military: Army
Rank: SPC 4
Assignment: Fort Drum-10th Mountain Division
City: Battle Creek
“Garrett went into the army right out of high school and went through basic training then was stationed at Fort Drum, NY 10th Mountain Division, he then was deployed right to afghanistan for a 6 mos tour to help rebuild some of the bases there. While there he got very sick. He barely made is home from deployment alive, but he did and he went directly to the ICU and was there for a week. He was diagnosed with Addisons Disease and unfortunately he was medically discharched from the Army. He was going to make that his life career, but due to his illness he could not. He now lives in Battle Creek with his wife and 2 children.”
Submitted by Heather Donato

Dave Smith
Branch of Military: Army
Rank: E6
Assignment: Saudi Arabia
City: Battle Creek
“My husband has served in the military so almost 20 years. He just got back from his fifth deployment last may and his kids and I are so thankful he got home safe. He is our hero. I couldn’t be more proud of the man he is today and so happy to be apart of the military family!!!”
Submitted by Alisha Smith

Jason Nutter
Branch of Military: Army
Rank: E6
Assignment: Ft. Knox
City: Shipshewana
“I was in the 19 delta cav scout. I did this for 13 years. I am a disabled vet. I toured in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am 41 now with 3 boys and one girl.”

Sid Michael
Branch of Military: Air force
Rank: E5 sgt
Assignment: Vietnam
City: Hillsdale
“I’m doing this behind my dad’s back. Even though he was highly decorated while he was in the Air Force without ever asking for anything. He was a survivalist in the air force and was one of the first people to do the fulton recovery device “sky hook” and live. He was inducted into the Air Force hall of fame for that.
After the service, he was decorated multiple times throughout my life, for being veteran of the year and exemplary service for each branch received an award and he gotta for the air force. He was a commander for a few years at our Local american legion and still serves on the honor garden has buried many fellow veterans with honors in merck county. He is a prime example of this solid patriotic, hard, working american.
Donating his time, knowledge for over 55 years.
He has been a county commissioners, township, supervisors, and so many things I can’t possibly remember.
He just turned 78 and he still gets around and works full time with me. I’m blessed to have an example like him for a father and friend. I would love to see him get honored with your salute.”
Submitted by John Michael

Steve Miller
Branch of Military: Navy
Rank: E5
Assignment: Dessert storm
City: Jonesville
“My grandpa was is the dessert storm war. He is 60 years old now. I love him so much, and I want to wish him a late merry Christmas!“
Submitted by Brailynn Naegele