KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Besides deciding on who will sit on the Kalamazoo City Commission tomorrow, city voters will also be asked if the city should again change how they are elected. A statewide group is working to get Rank Choice Voting approved in several cities around the state, because currently it’s not allowed in Michigan. They hope city action will spur state approval.
It is a complicated and controversial system that allows voters to rank their choice of candidates, and then a mathematical formula is used to pick winners. Jeff Messer collected petition signatures to get it on the ballot.
Retired City Attorney Clyde Robinson hopes voters reject it.
He says its supporters haven’t been entirely accurate in describing the proposal.
Mayor Dave Anderson disputes claims made by backers that it gives voters more choice, saying election results should be clear cut, especially given the times we live in, or risk turning off voters.
City Commissioner Chris Preadel says it won’t be easy or cheap to implement.
Current Kalamazoo City Attorney Aaron Leal says even if it passes, it won’t go into effect unless the state also creates a new law allowing it, and even then, flaws in the petition language will require a second approval by city voters to add it to the charter.